Identify a bias you have and challenge it

Think about an opinion you’ve formed about a person or people of a certain identity and where that came from. Who do you react to with strong feeling, seemingly by instinct? Ask yourself what specifically made you think or feel that way. Take some time to evaluate how those thoughts and feelings have influenced things you’ve said or decisions and actions you’ve taken toward people of that identity. And then ask yourself if that narrative you’ve created about them is true. Or if it ever was. Our experiences and what we’re exposed to create bias. Having biases is natural but disrupting bias is what’s necessary to make change and that takes self-reflection, a decision to do things differently, and action that is informed by what is true. We can only bring about different outcomes for people who have historically been excluded if we assess why we’re excluding them in the first place and commit to changing our behaviors. Let that be a new commitment you take into 2023.


think about one way you’re privileged and what that means


Evaluate Whether You’re Setting Your DEI Committee Up For Success