Listen to music from 3 different cultures

Continuing the recognition of Celebrate Diversity Month, take some time this week to listen to music from 3 cultures that are different from your own. This challenge comes from memories I have from childhood listening to the music of Brazilian singer Gal Costa. Growing up in a very musical household, my mom was introduced to her album Baby Gal when my siblings and I were young and she used to play it for us. Although the lyrics are all Portuguese, we absolutely loved it. Some of the songs are on our playlists to this day. I just remember the emotions I sensed in the songs, regardless of the language I did not understand, and how it made me feel something without needing to comprehend the words.

There is something powerful about music that transcends culture, distance, and difference. Take some time to listen to music from different cultures this week and see what comes up for you. Consider doing this challenge with a friend or two and sharing the new music you find. It’s a great way to explore our connection with all of humanity.


Try one new type of cuisine and learn its origins


Reflect on your identity and celebrate what makes you you