Learn about what’s happening in your industry in another country

April 27 was International Design Day. On that date every year since 1995, the International Council of Design takes an opportunity to “recognise the value of design and its capacity to effect change” on a global level. As I got to thinking about the significance of this observance, it made me realize how infrequently we consider how our professions are practiced in other cultures and countries, and what experiences our colleagues are having around the world. When you think about it, so much of what we do revolves around our own organizations, what we see our competitors doing and addressing, and issues in our own society, which is honestly very limiting.

Take some time over the next week to find out what’s happening in your industry in another country. If you work for a global organization, reach out to your counterparts in a different location to inquire about potential opportunities to collaborate. If you’re a member of a global trade association, contact a fellow member on another continent and ask what hot topics they’re working on. Read an international publication for your industry to see what they’re covering.

We often hear about the value of diversity in sparking innovation yet we rarely take advantage of opportunities to connect in even the simplest ways to collaborate, grow, and learn from one another – even when we have access to people from different backgrounds and endless resources. Let’s start putting that to use.


Interrupt your bias by asking “What do I know to be true?”


Be mindful of the toll of identity-related tragedies on people you know